The Winding Path of Loving

“A codependent person is one who has let another person’s behavior affect him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person’s behavior.”Melody Beattie

Distancing: The figurative sense of “aloofness”, the same as in stand-offish. Moving away from connection.

Did anyone say relationships are easy? I am working on my ratios, but by my calculations I may be 35% Codependent, 10% Distanced, and 55% Loving, supportive, healthily detached from outcome and behavior.

Yep! It’s a movable feast but it’s what can happen when I begin thinking that I know what’s best for those I love. In 2010 I made a list (or found a list) of actions of a caretaker rather than a caring person:

  • (Think and feel responsible for other people – for other people’s feelings, thoughts, actions, choices, wants, needs, well-being, lack of well-being, and ultimate destiny.)
  • Try to help other people live their lives.
  • Feel compelled – almost forced – to help that person solve the problem, such as offering unwanted advice, giving a rapid-fire series of suggestions, or fixing feelings.
  • Anticipate other people’s needs.
  • Do what other people are capable of doing for themselves.
  • (Not know what I want and need or tell myself what I want and need is not important.)
  • (Try to please others instead of myself.)
  • Over-commit.
  • Feel harried and pressured.
  • Have low self worth.
  • Come from troubled, repressed, or dysfunctional families.
  • (Feel different from the rest of the world.)9
  • Fear rejection.
  • Take things personally.
  • Fear making mistakes.
  • (Expect to do everything perfectly.)
  • Have a lot of “shoulds”.*
I began this post in 2017 prior to my stroke. Prior to being limited in activity and thus having more time for introspection. Prior to my shadow work. Prior to moving into a retirement center where I had unlimited possibilities to worry about other people than myself. Hmm…


*Strikeouts indicate I have made serious progress with those issues. ()Parentheses indicate not so serious progress. Bold type indicates “What the hell? Will I ever learn?



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