Welcome to My World of Letters

Many of you are looking for a specific letter for ideas to help you write to someone you love. You are welcome to take what you need from this site for your personal use.

But here’s the deal. You can do it yourself.  Go to the top of the main blog page or click here “Write Your Own Letter”. That will give you some guidelines on how to write to your child, your spouse, your parent or your friend.

Or there are many ideas under the Menu heading, “Form Letters”, at the top of the page.

For a birthday, click here. Or if you want to express your love for your child, click on “unconditional love” or “love” in the tags.. Perhaps there is dissension in your family and you don’t know where to begin to heal the breach. (click here)

Are you a parent? A grandparent? A sister? A child hoping to reach a parent? Separated from your children?

Or are you friend or family of mine who wants to know me better?

I think there is something for almost everyone if you use the Menus above which set out the categories.  The tag words on the side can help you, too. Or if you can think of a keyword that suits your needs, just type it into the box on the right hand side and press “search”. Then, by scrolling down, you will see all of the different letters that included that word.

Here are my most popular subjects: (and you’ll find the current popular letters on the right side of this blog).

Between Parent and Child

Mother’s Day  (although it may not be what was expected)

Happy 21st Birthday  (there are more letters on this subject if you click on the tag for birthays)

Family Dissension – Without Answers

Loving…no matter what…

For those of you who follow this blog, you know that I am not always dependable about posting. Sometimes I am traveling and am writing at Wandering Woman or Life in a Mexican Village.

Sometimes I am working in my garden and my hands are just too dirty to type before I tend to the rest of my life.

And sometimes I have too much to say and can’t sort out where to begin.

In the meantime, I hope that each and every one of you finds something that you enjoy. And if you need to use my words to communicate your own thoughts…feel free!

If you can’t find what you need and want special help in writing a letter, just send me a note at alettertomychildren@gmail.com. I’ll enjoy working it out with you…and there’s no charge; I do what I do with joy and gratitude for the opportunity to help.


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